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4*(x + 3) = 4*x + 4*3 = 4x + 12

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Q: What is the distributive property to write an expression equivalent to 4(x plus 3)?
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Well, you need to know what the distributive property is. I don't know how to expain it, but here is an example for the expression 76 x 40: (76 x 4) + (76 x 0) So, I think you might get the idea. -From a smart 10-year-old 6th grade student.

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First, I would find that the GCF of 20 and 16 is 4. Then, I would divide both 20 and 16 by 4. Last, I would use the distributive property to write the sum as 4(5 + 4).

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(4 x 4) + (4 x 9) = 4 x 13 = 52