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A equals Vf minus Vi divided by time equals triangle v divided by time

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Q: What is the equation for average acceleration?
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Derive the equation for instantaneous average acceleration vector?

You have a contradiction in your question. Instantaneous acceleration is the acceleration at a certain moment in time. Average acceleration is the average over a time interval.

Can calculate average acceleration of an obj ect given change in velocity with respect to time?

Acceleration is the derivative of the velocity expression. If you have an equation for velocity, simply take the derivative of it and you will have an equation for the average acceleration.

What is the equation for average speed and acceleration?

Average speed = Distance travelled/time to travel the distance . Average acceleration = Change of speed/time for the change .

Equation for average acceleration?

There are various equations that involve acceleration; the simplest one is the definition of acceleration: acceleration = (change of velocity) / time.

What is the equation to solve for average acceleration?

AnswerAcceleration = v2 - v1.........................timeAverage Acceleration requires you to average the the initial velocity of your trials and the ending velocity of your trials. You must also find the average for your time trials. Once you achieve these numbers, just plug them into the above formula and you can solve for average acceleration.

What is the equation for average acceleraton for straight line motion?

Average acceleration = (change in speed over some period of time) divided by (time for the change)

The equation used to find acceleration is what?

Average acceleration = final velocity - initial velocity/ final time - initial timeOr for short:Aave=Vf-Vi/Tf-TiHope that helps :)

Is a constant acceleration graph a linear equation?

Not necessarily. The equation of a projectile, moving under constant acceleration (due to gravity) is a parabola - a non-linear equation.

Whats the equation for mass?

One equation is Force/acceleration=mass

In the equation for acceleration how can you describe acceleration if the numerator is negative?

i think that its something about science

What is equation acceleration?

acceleration = (change in speed) / (time)ora = s/t

How can the equation force mass x acceleration be rewritten?

Equation: Force=Mass X Acceleration If you are looking for the force, use the equation as is. To find the following, it's assumed that you are given the other two values: Mass= Force / Acceleration Acceleration= Force / Mass Remember your labels in your calculations.