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Acceleration = v2 - v1

Average Acceleration requires you to average the the initial velocity of your trials and the ending velocity of your trials. You must also find the average for your time trials. Once you achieve these numbers, just plug them into the above formula and you can solve for average acceleration.
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Q: What is the equation to solve for average acceleration?
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You have a contradiction in your question. Instantaneous acceleration is the acceleration at a certain moment in time. Average acceleration is the average over a time interval.

Can calculate average acceleration of an obj ect given change in velocity with respect to time?

Acceleration is the derivative of the velocity expression. If you have an equation for velocity, simply take the derivative of it and you will have an equation for the average acceleration.

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Average speed = Distance travelled/time to travel the distance . Average acceleration = Change of speed/time for the change .

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In the equation: F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration. Divide both sides by a, and you have:m = F/a, which is Force divided by acceleration.

Equation for average acceleration?

There are various equations that involve acceleration; the simplest one is the definition of acceleration: acceleration = (change of velocity) / time.

What is the acceleration caused by your push on the ball?

The acceleration of the ball would depend on its mass and the force of the push. This is because force = mass times acceleration. You could manipulate this equation to solve for acceleration by dividing each side by mass. Acceleration therefore equals force/mass.

What is the acceleration caused by your push on a ball?

The acceleration of the ball would depend on its mass and the force of the push. This is because force = mass times acceleration. You could manipulate this equation to solve for acceleration by dividing each side by mass. Acceleration therefore equals force/mass.

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F=ma, where F is force, m is mass, and acceleration is a. F/a=m

What is a if the average of a and -5 is 10?

You can write an equation, using the definition of "average", then solve it. The equation would look like this:"the average of a and -5" is 10 (a - 5) / 2 = 10

Which equation can be used to solve for the mass of the object?

Thanks to Isaac Newton's Second Law of Motion, one can determine the mass of an object if he or she knows both the force acting upon the object and the acceleration of the object. Newton's equation is as follows: F = ma; where "F" is the force acting upon the object, "m" is the mass of the object. and "a" is the acceleration of the object. Solving for "m", the equation can be rewritten as: m = F/m. Substitute force for "F", and acceleration for "a", and you can solve for the mass of the object.

If force of 600 newtons is applied to a mass of 100 kilograms the acceleration is?

Rewrite the equation F = ma to solve for acceleration a = F / m = 600 / 100 = 6 m/s^2

How to solve vf vi plus at equation steps?

vf=vi+at equation can be solved by substituting the letters in the equation with there actual values where vf is the finall velocity, vi is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration and t is the time.