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The factor game involves you circling a number that still has available factors which are not yet circled, you can circle a prime, but not after 1 has been circled as a factor. This is because the only factors of a prime are itself and 1.

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Q: What is the factor game and why can't you circle a prime number?
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Why cant an even number be a prime number?

2 is even. 2 is prime. Any other even number has 2 as a factor, so it has too many factors to be prime.

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you look and see that 101 is a prime number which means it cant be divided by any other number than one. this means that there is NOT a factor tree AT ALL for this number. you may just writeas an answer to the question that 101 is a prime number. hope you do well!!

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But 5 is a prime number because it has only two factors which are itself and one

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2 is an even but prime number because it cant be divided by its self or by any other number.