423 141,3 47,3,3
423 141,3 47,3,3
7 is a prime number. So the only real factoring you can do is 7 x 1
423 percent as a decimal = 4.23 423% = 423%/100% = 4.23
423% = 4.23 = 423/100 in fraction
factoring whole numbers,factoring out the greatest common factor,factoring trinomials,factoring the difference of two squares,factoring the sum or difference of two cubes,factoring by grouping.
423 = 42,300%
423 = 1*423, 3*141, 9*47
The factors of 423 are: 1 3 9 47 141 423
x + 2x + 423 = 3x + 423
423-298 = 125