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Q: What number has the largest factoring tree?
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What is the factor tree of 7?

7 is a prime number. So the only real factoring you can do is 7 x 1

Can 1 be a factor in a factor tree?

No, factor trees are intended to find prime factors, 1 isn't prime. The process of factoring is intended to break down the number. Since factoring out 1 still leaves the original number, it isn't useful.

Can you use 1 in a factor tree?

No, factor trees are intended to find prime factors, 1 isn't prime. The process of factoring is intended to break down the number. Since factoring out 1 still leaves the original number, it isn't useful.

Why cant you use 1 as a factor in a factor tree?

Factor trees are intended to find prime factors, one isn't prime. The process of factoring is intended to break down the number. Since factoring out one still leaves the original number, it isn't useful.

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When you break down a number to its prime number is call?


What is NZ largest tree?

the largest tree is kauri

The tree which has largest leaves?

A Tulip Tree has the largest leaves.

What is nz largest native tree?

the largest tree is kauri

What is the relationship between multiply and factoring?

multiplying is making a number bigger by adding itself to itself a certain number of times and factoring is the opposite, taking away a certain number from itself.

What is the largest tree digit number that uses 67and8?

67 and 8 are factors of 536

Which number has more ways of factoring 35 or 33?

They have the same number of ways.