

What is the first 3 digit multiple of 11?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What is the first 3 digit multiple of 11?
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When a three digit number has the same three numbers is it divisible by 11?

No. (Assuming a three digit number is in the range 100-999 and excludes leading zeros, that is 080 does not count as it is really 80 which is a two digit number) To be divisible by 11, the difference in the sums of the alternate digits of the number must be divisible by 11 (or 0). For a three digit number, this means that the sum of the first and last digits less the second digit must be a multiple of 11 (or 0). For a three digit number with all the digits the same, this calculation results in the value of one of the digits (eg 333 → 3 + 3 - 3 = 3) which will not be 0, and cannot be a multiple of 11 as a single digit is less than or equal to 9 which is less than 11 and thus not a multiple of 11.

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What are the rules of multiples of 11?

The only multiples of 11 are 1 and itself, so it is a prime number. This is the answer to the question "what are the factors of 11". Multiples of 11 can be determined as follows. Find the sum, mod 11 of the alternate digits in the number. The difference will be zero. Examples: - 1,529. 1+2 = 3 [the thousands digit plus the tens digit], 5+9 = 14 which is 3(mod 11) [the hundreds digit plus the units digit]. Difference between the two sums is zero, therefore 1,529 is a multiple of 11 . 12,345. 1+3+5 = 9, 2+4 = 6. difference is 3, therefore 12,345 is not a multiple of 11.

What is the largest 4 digit number that is a multiple of 3?

The greatest 4 digit integer divisible by 3 (and therefore a multiple of 3) is 9999.

What is a 3 digit number that is divisible by 1?

a 3 digit number that is divisible by on is a three digit number that is a multiple of one.

How many three-digit numbers are divisible by 17?

The smallest 3-digit multiple of 17 is 102. (6 x 17)The largest 3-digit multiple of 17 is 986. (58 x 17)So the number of multiples of 17 that have 3 digits is 58 minus the first five.That's 53 of them.

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Is 261 a multiple of 3?

Yes. Digit total is 9 which is a multiple of 3 so it is too.

What is a trick for the number 3?

I'm not sure what would be a trick for the number 3. I will presume you would mean the way to tell if a number is a multiple of 3. A number is a multiple of 3 if the sum of its digits is also a multiple of 3. For example 585 is a multiple of 3 since' 5+8+5 = 18 which is a multiple of 3. The number 47 is not a multiple of 3 because 4+7 equals 11 and that is not a multiple of 3. There is a second digit that has a similar rule for multiplicity. That digit is 9, which just happens to equal 32 . In fact, since 18 is a multiple of 9, 585 must be a multiple of 9 also.