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It is the pythagorean theorem. Used in finding the lengths of sides of right angled triangles.

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Q: What is the formula a squared plus b squared equals c squared is used to find?
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The formula for finding the angles is called " Pythagorean Thyrum " It states that a squred plus b squared equals c squared so therefore c squared minus a squared will equal b squared. i hope that helps

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Angle A + Angle B + Angle C = 180 degrees. If one angle equals 90 degrees then it is a right triangle and the lengths of the sides are in a ratio such that A squared plus B squared equals C squared (Pythagorean Theorem)

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A squared plus B squared equals C squared. It is the Pythagorean theorem.To do this you would find the two short sides of a right triangle. Then for one short side find the length and multiply it by itself and for the other short side do the same thing. After that add those two up and and find the square root of it. That number you have there is C aka hypotenuse aka the long side. :)

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2 squared plus 2 x 3 = 10, 7 squared plus 7 x 2 = 63, 6 squared plus 6 x 5 = 66,8 squared plus 8 x 4 = 96 so 9 squared plus 9 x 7 = 81 + 63 = 144.

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