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Q: What is the formula for acceleration in terms of v and t?
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What is the formula for velocity when you know time and acceleration?

The standard formula is A = v/t With slight formula manipulation you get At = v

Average acceleration formula?

Average Acceleration = V/t = Vf-Vi / Tf-Ti

How do I rearrange the acceleration formula to solve it for initial velocity?

Where a = (v-u)/t a is acceleration, v is final velocity u is initial velocity t is time so, u=v-at

What is rate of change acceleration?

the rate of change of acceleration is known as velocity FORMULA=v/t

How is acceleration related to velocity?

Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity.

What is5 th grade formula fir acceleration?

The rate of change of velocity in a particular direction per unit second is acceleration. Let us assume a body is moving at a speed v' in particular direction, say north, and in t seconds, its velocity increases/decreases to v". So the acceleration is, a=(v"~v')/t

How would one determine Acceleration from a V-t Graph?

The slope of graph of V->t gives the acceleration

How do you compute the formula of acceleration?

a=v-u/t accelleration is velocity minus uniform velocity divided by time

What is the formula for determining acceleration?

a = (v-u)/t (speed minus start speed all divided by time)

What is the formula for computing acceleration?

a = Δv/Δt also: a = Δv/t Δ = Stands for Delta v = Stands for Velocity t = Stands for Time a = Stands for Acceleration / = Stands for Division (Divide)

What is accelerate uniformly?

It means that acceleration is constant. This meaning that velocity is varying with respect to time, we see this by this formula (v - v(initial) ) / t (Time).

What is the formual for acceleration?

If the acceleration is constant.... The formula for velocity is v = v₀ + at For distance it is d = d₀ + v₀t + ½at² For velocity without time it is. v² = v₀² + 2ad For more details refer to the related link in the Related Links section below. The subject is called kinematics