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Q: What is the formula for angular distance?
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What is the small-angle formula?

The small angle formula is used for measuring the distance to a far away object when the actual size and angular size are known, or for finding out the actual size of a faraway object when the distance to the object and angular size are known. In arc-seconds: a = 206265 x D/d where a = the angular size of the object in arc-seconds D = the actual linear size of an object in km d = the distance to the object in km 206265 = the number of arc-seconds in a complete circle divided by 2pi In Radians: a = D/d where a = angular size of object in radians

Angular distance in astronomy?


What does latitude measure on the equator?

Latitude is the angular distance north or south of the equator. Longitude is the angular distance east or west of the equator.

What is the difference between angular distance and angular displacement?

Here's the easiest answer: They have different names.....

What is the formula for angular momentum?

H = I ω H = angular momentumI = inertiaw = inertial space

Angular distance from its last perihelion?


What distance are lines of longitude used to show?

None. they are a measure of angular distance and not of linear distance.

Does angular speed depend on distance?

when something moves with constant angular speed (w), as in a rotating disk, the speed (v) as you move away from the center depends on distance (r), but the angular speed does not. Mathematically, v = wr.

What is latitude equivalent to?

Distance (angular) from the poles (or the equator).

The altitude of an object in the sky is it angular distance of?

above the horizon is the answer

What statements does not use the term angular size or angular distance correctly?

"The following" means the list after the question. There is no list following this question.

What is the dimension formula of angular velocity?

angular velocity (omega) = theta/time taken theta is dimensionless i.e. it has no dimensions therefore, the diemnsion of angular velocity is 1/T=T^-1