

What is the formula for area of a solid?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Length times Width times Height

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Q: What is the formula for area of a solid?
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What is formula for area of regular solid?

Meaningless question.

What is the formula for volume of solid?

The formula for the volume of a solid (not a sphere) is V=Bh, or the volume (V) equals the area of the base (B, or bh) multipied by the height of the solid (h).

What are the formula uses in finding area of a given solid figure?

The answer depends very much on the shape of the solid figure.

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What formula do you use to find the volume of a regular solid?

V= Base Area * Height

What formula do you use to determine the volume of regular solid?

the volume of a regular solid is the area of it's base multiplied by it's height.

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The formula for the volume of numbers is V=Bh, where B is the area of the base and h is the height of the solid.

What is the surface area formula for a tetrahedron?

A tetrahedron is a solid figure with four triangular faces. As these may or may not be regular (all the same), the formula is to add the area of all four together. The formula for the area of a triangle is 1/2(base x height).

How do you find the total area of a solid?

To find the total area of a solid, the general formula is SA=(base area)+(perimeter of one face*height). To put it more simply, if you had a cube with edges 3 inches long, your formula would look like this: Area=(3*3)+(6*3), and the answer would be 27 inches squared.

Total surface area of rectangular solid?

The formula for the surface area of a rectangular solid is = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh 2(length x width)+2(length x height)+2(width x height)

What formula do you use to determine the volume of the regular?

the volume of a regular solid is the area of it's base multiplied by it's height.

What is the Formula for Volume Calculation of a Solid?

It depends on the solid.