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The volume of a regular pyramid is 1/3*area of the base*hight

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Q: What is the formula for the volume of a regular pyramid?
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If a Egyptian pyramid has a square base that measures 500 yards and the pyramid stands 300 yards tall what would be the volume of the pyramid?

The answer is 25,000,000 yards. The formula for volume for a regular right pyramid is (1/3)bxbxh.

How do you find the volume of a pentagonal pyramid?

Basically, the same as the volume of any other pyramid: the volume is (1/3) x base x height. The "base" refers to the area of the base; for instance, if the base is a regular pentagon, use the formula for a regular pentagon.

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The formula for a pyramid. The volume of a pyramid is (1/3)(B)(h). The volume of a cone is essentially the same: (1/3)(B=πr2)(h)

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What is the formula for finding the volume for a triangular pyramid?

The formula for finding the volume for a triangular pyramid is half base x height x length. A triangular pyramid has four faces.

How do you convert the volume of a prism into the volume of a pyramid that has the same base area and height?

formula of the volume of a prism = (base area)(height) formula of the volume of a pyramid = (1/3)(base area)(height) therefore, to convert the volume of a prism to that of a pyramid, just divide it by 3

What formula do we use to find the volume of regular objects?

The formula of volume

What is formula of a rectangle based pyramid?

The answer depends on the what characteristic of the pyramid you want the formula for: its surface area, its volume or something else.

How is the relationship between formula of volume of a cone and formula of volume of a cylinder related to the relationship between the formula of volume of a pyramid and formula of volume of a prism?

The relationship between the formulas is that in all the radius is cubed.

How do you find the volume of a triangular pyramid?

The formula to find the volume of a triangular pyramid is: 1/3 (1/2 B H ) H

The volume of a regular pyramid with a square base of 8cm and a slant height of 5 cm?

The volume of a regular pyramid with a square base of 8cm and a slant height of 5 cm is: 64 cm3

What is volume of rectangle pyramid of base 12m5m and height 9m?

Formula for volume of pyramid is 1/3*base area*height Formula for area of rectangle (in this case the base) is length*breadth So, the volume of the pyramid is 1/3*12*5*9=180m3