Volume is in 3D objects, so you should say volume for a cube.
Area is for 2D objects, that is area for square.
Volume for cube = side * side * side
Area of square = side * side
The formula that expresses the volume of a square isV = 0 .A square is a 2-dimensional (flat) shape, so it has no volume.
V = 0
The formula for volume is side cubed, and the formula for a square's area is side squared, so you find the cube root of the volume and square your answer to find area.
The formula for finding the volume of the square is....... nothing! Its nothing because squares are 2D and I guess you could probaly use area..... :)
Vol = 0 That is because a square is a 2-dimensional object and 2-d objects do not have a volume.
The formula for a square pyramid is one square attached to four triangles which meet at a point.There are other formulae for the surface area or for the volume.
What is a square m3? If it is a measure of hyper-volume in 6-dimensional space, then presumably the formula is analogous to the formula for volumes in 3d space.
V = (1/3)a2h
A square is two dimentional and has an area (side X side = # of square inches) A square has no volume unless it is three dimentional, in which case, it would be a cube and not a square.
V = Ah/3
None. "square meter" is a unit of volume and "ton" is a unit of mass.
You cannot convert area into volume.