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Ab = Pie times r2

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Q: What is the formula of the area of the base of a right circular cone?
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How does the formula of the area of a circle relate to the volume of a cylinder?

The volume of a cylinder is its height times the area of its base. And the area of its base is the area of a circular shape.

How do you solve the surface area of the cone?

For a right circular cone, by far the easiest way to find the surface areais to know the formula for the area, and apply it.The formula for the area of a right circular cone isArea = (pi x R) x (R + L)R = radius of the baseL = length of the slant from the base to the apex

What is the formula in finding the volume of right circular pyramid?

(1/3)Bh, that is, 1/3 times the base area times the perpendicular height.

How to find the volume of a right circular cone with a base radius of 3ftand a height of 9 ft?

The formula for the volume of a right circular cone is: V = 1/3Bh where B is the base area and h is the height. Since the base is a circle, use pi r2, the formula for the area of a circle, to calculate the base area. Use 3.14 to approximate pi. The base area in this problem would be: 3.14(3)2 = about 28.26 sq. ft. Therefore the volume of the cone would be: 1/3(28.26)(9) = about 84.78 cu. ft.

What is the formula for finding the volume of the solid volume?

There isn't a single formula for solids of different shapes. For a right solid with a rectangular base, volume is base area x height. Similarly for cylinder with a circular base, volume = base area x height (base area in this case is Pi x radius2). For a sphere, volume = 4/3 x Pi x radius3.

What is the formula for calculating volume of a hollow cylindrical pipe?

Volume = Area * Length The volume of a right circular cylinder is πr2h where r is the radius of the base and h is its height (altitude)

Does a cylinder have to have a circular base?

Strictly, if it has a circular base, it is a circular cylinder. Otherwise, it could have an oval base. If the long axis is at right angles (perpendicular) to the plane of the base, then it is a right circular cylinder.

Formula for area of a right triangle?

Area=1/2(base*height) where either side can be the base or the height in a right triangle.

Does a right circular conehave a triangular as a base?

The answer is "No"; a right circular cone has a circle as its base while a right triangular cone has a triangular base (which we usually call a "pyramid". The Egyptian Pyramids have square bases. And the volume of any "right" pyramid is found by multiplying the area of its base by its VERTICAL height.

What is the lateral area of a right circular cone if the diameter of the base is 4 m and the slant height of the cone is 15 m?

The lateral area of a right circular cone with a base diameter of 4 m and a slant height of 15 m is: 94.25 m2

What Difference between cone and right circular cone?

A right circular cone is perfectly balanced on its circular base. Imagine a cone that has a circular base, but leans to one side - this is a non right circular cone.

What formula should be used to calculate the number of gallons in a cylindrical water tank?

The formula to find the volume of a right cylinder is height times area of the circular base. This volume in cubic feet is then multiplied by 7.48 to find the number of gallons.