three ninths (3/9) in a decimal form = 0.333 (repeating)
0.33333 . . .
decimal form of nine and five ninths = 9.5556
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 5/95 = 3125/59049 or three thousand one hundred and twenty-five fifty-nine thousand and forty-ninths. Expressed as a decimal, rounded to three significant figures, this is equal to 0.0529.
1/3 (this is also its simplest form)1/3
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 5/7 / 7/8 = 40/49 or forty forty-ninths. Expressed as a decimal, rounded to three decimal places, this is equal to 0.816.
3/3 in decimal form is 1.0
0.44... (recurring).
0.8 recurring
Expressed as a decimal fraction, three and seven eighths is equal to 3.875.
3/7, a fraction = 0.428571 repeating in decimal form
The fraction is 2/3.