

What is the fraction you multiply by to equal one?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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A reciprocal.

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Q: What is the fraction you multiply by to equal one?
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How do you change a fraction to an equivalent fraction?

Multiply its numerator and denominator by equal amounts

How can you tell if two fractions are equivalent?

Two fractions are equivalent if the fully simplified fractions are equal. If you can multiply the fraction with the smaller numerator and denominator by the same value to equal the second fraction. For example the fractions 3/4 and 9/12. The nominator and denominator, 3 and 4 have both been multiplied by 3 to equal 9/12. Cross multiply. If the products are equal, the fractions are equal. Cross multiplying means to multiply each numerator of one fraction with the denominator of the other fraction.

How can you change a fraction to a like fraction?

Multiply or divide both the nominator and denominator. For example your fraction is 1/2: you could: multiply by 2 and get 2/4 which is equal.

Is there such a thing as equal fraction?

Yes. If you multiply both numbers of the fraction, by any non-zero integer you will have an equivalent fraction.

How do your figure out a equal fraction?

Multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same counting number.

Can you multiply the numerator and denominator of a fraction by zero to find an equivalent fraction?

No. The reason you can multiply a fraction by (x/x) to find an equivalent fraction is because for almost any x, (x/x) = 1. This is not the case for zero. Zero divided by zero does NOT equal 1, so multiplying the fraction by a value not equal to 1 will create a different fraction.

How do you divide fractions when the denominator is not the same?

You don't need like denominators in order to divide. To divide the first fraction by the second fraction: -- Draw a new fraction line off to the side, for the answer. -- Invert the second fraction. -- Multiply their numerators; write the product on top of the new fraction. -- Multiply their denominators; write the product on the bottom of the new fraction. -- The "new fraction" is equal to the first one divided by the original (unflipped)second one.

How can you fins one third of a fraction?

Multiply the fraction by 1/3

What is equal to 8.91 as a fraction?

Multiply by 100 to get 891. Now divide by 100: 891/100

Can you Multiply 0.773 to 4.7?

Expressed as a decimal fraction, 0.773 x 4.7 is equal to 3.6331.

How can you tell if a fraction is equivalent to 1?

A fraction is equal to one if its denominator and numerator are equal.

What does three and one eight times four equal?

3 1/8 times 4= 12.5 to solve this problem, you have to make the mixed fraction into a regular fraction. You do this by multiply the denominator (8) by the whole number (3) which equal 24. After this you add this (24) to (1) which equal 25. So now you have 25/8 times 4. You multiply 25 times 4 which is 100. Then divide that by 8 which equal 12.5