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Q: What is the greatest number of intercepts for a circle?
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What is the greatest number of x- and y-intercepts that a circle can have?

A circle represented by an equation x^2 + y^2 = r^2 or a circular object represented by an equation Ax^2 + By^2 = r^2 has 2 y-intercepts and 2 x-intercepts.

What is the greatest number of y-intercepts a line can have?

There is no limit to the number of y-intercepts a line can have. The axis itself is a line and it intercepts itself an infinite number of times.

What is the greatest number of intercepts for a line?


What is the least number of intercepts for a circle?


Why is the least number of intercepts for a circle zero?


What is the greatest number for a circle?

There is no greatest number for a circle.

What line on a circle only intercepts once?

tangant of circle intercepts it only on one point. In real the point where tangent meets the circle and intercepts it are same

In the case of a quadratic function what is the number of x and y intercepts the function may have?

The greatest possible number of intercepts is: 2 of one axis and 1 of the other axis.The smallest possible number of intercepts is: One of each axis.

What is the greatest number of x intercepts that a function may have?

The same number as the highest power of the independent variable.

What are all the possible numbers of intercepts a circle can have?

A circle can have 0, 1, or 2 x-intercepts and 0,1, or 2 y-intercepts, bringing the total to 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 intercepts.

What is the greatest number of intercepts a line have?

A straight line in Cartesian space will have at most two.

What is the greatest number of x-intercepts a function can have?

There is no fixed limit. A periodic function, such as the sine function, can have an infinite number of x-inercepts.