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Q: What is the important of trigonometry in criminology?
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What is relation between Trigonometry and criminology?

There is no direct relationship. Trigonometry can be used in criminology as can many branches of mathematics and of science.

Why is trigonometry important in accounting?

Trigonometry is not important ever

What are the importance in studying criminology?

the important terms in study of criminology

Why does spherical trigonometry important?

The earth, which we live on, is approximately a sphere. It is important, therefore, to know spherical trigonometry.

Important of criminology?

criminology contributes on how to study the human behaviour, causes of crimes. As a criminology student i can easily understand or psycho a person.

Why is documentation so improtant in criminology?

Documentation is crucial in criminology because it provides a detailed record of evidence, procedures, and findings, ensuring accuracy and transparency in investigations. It also helps to establish a clear chain of custody, enabling accountability and legality in handling and presenting evidence in court. Additionally, well-maintained documentation allows for better analysis, interpretation, and sharing of information among professionals in the field.

Why is psychology is important to criminology?

Psychology is important to criminology because it helps us understand the behavior, motivations, and cognitive processes of criminals. By studying topics such as the development of criminal behavior, personality traits associated with crime, and the impact of environmental factors on criminal actions, criminologists can better predict, prevent, and address criminal behavior. Understanding the psychological aspects of crime can also help in designing effective rehabilitation programs for offenders.

What is the important of criminology?

Getting those crooks, before they get us!

What is the relevance of trigonometry in criminology?

Trigonometry is relevant in criminology for analyzing crime scene data. It helps in calculating angles of impact for ballistics, determining the trajectory of projectiles, and reconstructing the scene of a crime. Trigonometry is also used in blood spatter analysis to understand the dynamics of how blood was dispersed.

What is the important of studying criminology?

Getting those crooks, before they get us!

Is it important to take biology when studying for criminology?

Taking biology can be helpful when studying criminology as it provides a foundational understanding of the human body and key biological concepts that relate to criminal behavior. However, it may not be essential depending on the specific focus of your criminology studies.

Why is trigonometry important for chemistry?

Some chemical reactions depend on the shape of molecules and the study of the shape of molecules - requires knowledge of trigonometry.