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Q: What is the independent variable of paper towel lab?
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What was the independent variable of a egg in the lab?

Time, which relies on nothing, is usually the independent variable of a lab.

What is the independent variable in the termite lab?

There are many independent variables in the termite lab, depending on how complex the lab is. Remember that the independent variable is the one you change, so this would include the type of pen, color of the ink, shape drawn, etc.

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length of the row of dominos

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don't ask me I have the same problem

What does dependent mean in science?

You may be asking about dependent variables, as in a lab activity. There are also independent variables. The independent variable is the thing that is controlled or kept monitored by the scientist. The dependent variable is what occurs or changes as a result of the independent variable.

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color of salt added to the container

What is kind of dog is in the new brawny paper towel commercial?

a yellow lab puppy

What is the independent variable in the tootsie pop lab?

Your tongue, your saliva, the flavor of the Tootsie Pop you chose

What do you need to perform a controlled experiment?

An independent and a dependent variable. A hypothesis. And lab coat, a white one.

What are the variables in a plan and design paper chromatography lab?

responding variable-distance of components( Rf values)

What are the independent variable and the dependent variable?

An independent variable is the variable you can change in an experiment. On a graph, it's on the X-axis. A dependent variable is the result of changing the independent variable. It is literally dependent on it. The dependent variable goes on the Y-axis.

What is the dependent variable in a dominoes lab?

The time is the dependent variable in the dominoes lab.