There are many independent variables in the termite lab, depending on how complex the lab is. Remember that the independent variable is the one you change, so this would include the type of pen, color of the ink, shape drawn, etc.
Your tongue, your saliva, the flavor of the Tootsie Pop you chose
Changes in the independent variable are independent of changes in any other variable,
The independent variable of an experiment is the variable that you change, and the dependent variable is the result of the independent variable.
An independent variable is a variable which stands independent and is unaffected by other variables. A dependent variable is a variable which is a response to the independent variable, and is usually the factor that is being tested in an experiment.
because it can change according to the independent variable. this dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its output. the independent variable is not affected by the dependent variable because the independent variable if found out first.
Time, which relies on nothing, is usually the independent variable of a lab.
In the Domino Dash lab, the independent variable was the height from which the dominoes were dropped. This variable was manipulated to observe its effect on the speed or distance the dominoes traveled.
don't ask me I have the same problem
You may be asking about dependent variables, as in a lab activity. There are also independent variables. The independent variable is the thing that is controlled or kept monitored by the scientist. The dependent variable is what occurs or changes as a result of the independent variable.
color of salt added to the container
Your tongue, your saliva, the flavor of the Tootsie Pop you chose
An independent and a dependent variable. A hypothesis. And lab coat, a white one.
The independent variable.
Changes in the independent variable are independent of changes in any other variable,
The independent variable.
the dependent variable changes with the independent variable. the independent variable only changes when changed by the experimenter. Time is usually an independent variable.
The independent variable of an experiment is the variable that you change, and the dependent variable is the result of the independent variable.