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The 7 interior angles add up to 900 degrees and each interior angle is 900/7

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Q: What is the interior angle size of a regular heptagon?
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What is the size of an interior angle in heptagon?

In a regular heptagon, each interior angle is 180o - 360o ÷ 7 = 1284/7o ≈ 128.57o;in a non-regular heptagon, one of the interior angles ("an interior angle") could be any value greater than 0o and less than 360o except 180o.

What is a 7-sided polygon with an interior right angle?

The equation for the size of an interior angle of an n-sided regular polygon is (n-2)180/n. When n=7, the interior angle of a regular sided shape would be 5x180/7 or approximately 128.57. The polygon in the question has an interior right angle (90 degree angle) and thus cannot be a regular shape. A 7 sided shape is called a heptagon. Thus, the shape described in the question is an irregular heptagon.

What is the size of an interior angle on a regular heptagon?

The sum of the interior angles of a n-gon is (n-2)*180 degrees. So the sum of the interior angles of a heptagon is (7-2)*180 degrees = 5*180 = 900 degrees.Since it is a regular polygon, each of its interior angles is the same and so each is 900/7 = 128.571428 degrees.

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Each interior angle measures 140 degrees

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Each interior angle: 1640 20' 52.17''

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