The largest known prime is (243,112,609 − 1) which has 12,978,189 digits when written out in full.
Please note that there cannot be a largest prime number; Euclid proved that about 2000 years ago. As to the largest known prime number, according to the Wikipedia, as of January 2014, the largest known prime number is 2 to the power 57,885,161 − 1, a number with 17,425,170 digits. This number was found to be a prime in January 2013.
it is 17 million digits number, 257.885.161-1
No one has ever discovered the mathematical pattern for prime numbers and all that is known about them is that each prime number has only 2 factors which are itself and one.
The largest crinoid fossil ever discovered is a species called Seirocrinus subangularis, which can be found in the United States, specifically in the state of Indiana.
The largest crinoid species ever discovered is the Bathycrinus carpenteri, which lived in the deep sea and could grow up to 3 meters in length.
Liopleurodon was 25 meters long - the largest predator ever discovered
The largest raccoon ever recorded weighed around 62 pounds and was nearly 4 feet long, including the tail.
3,295,271,339 is not a prime number. 151, 181, 27331, 120569, 21822989, and 18205919 are all evenly go in to 3,295,271,339.
There is no largest number: they go on for ever.