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Q: What is the least the least common multiple of 6x2 y and 9x?
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What is the answer to 6x2-9x-6?

6x2-9x-6 is equal to 66.

What is the least common multiple of 9x 15x?

A decimal number

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What is the LCM of x and 9x?

9x is the lowest common multiple. (9x * 1 = 9x) (x * 9 = 9x)

6x2 plus 9x equals 0?

6x2 + 9x = 0 3x(2x + 3) = 0 3x = 0 or 2x + 3 = 0 x = 0 or x = -3/2

How do you factor the equation -x3 6x2-9x?

-x(x - 3)(x - 3)

Factor the polynomial expression 6x2 plus 11x plus 3?

6x2 + 11x + 3 = 6x2 + 9x + 2x + 3 = 3x(2x + 3) + 1(2x + 3) = (2x + 3)(3x + 1)

What is the complete factorization of 6x2 plus 9x - 6?

Divide all terms by 3 and it is: (2x-1)(x+2)

What is the solution to 2x-3 times 4-3x?

-6x2 + 17x -12. To get the solution, we set up the formula as follows: (2x - 3) * (4 - 3x) Then we multiply each of the components as follows: (2x * 4) + (2x * -3x) + (-3 * 4) + (-3 * -3x) Then we simplify as follows: 8x + -6x2 + -12 + 9x -6x2 + 17x + -12 -6x2 + 17x -12

How do you solve for x in the equation 3 over x square plus 3 over 4x minus 3 over 1 equals 6 over 2x square minus 6 over 3x plus 6 over 5?

3/(x2+4x-1) = 6/(2x2-3x+5) Cross - multiply in order to eliminate the fractions: 6*(x2+4x-1) = 3*(2x2-3x+5) 6x2+24x-6 = 6x2-9x+15 6x2-6x2+24x+9x = 15+6 33x = 21 x = 21/33 => x = 7/11

What is the greatest common factor of 6x and 9x?

The GCF of 6x and 9x is 3x

The least common multiple of two numbers is 126 the greatest common factor is 9 the difference between the two numbers is 45 what are your two numbers?

Supose A = 9x and B = 9y are the two numbers, where x and y are coprime and x < y. A*B = LCM*HCF So that 9x*9y = 126*9 so x*y = 14 so (x,y) = (1,14) or (2,7). Also, B - A = 45 or 9y - 9x = 45 so that y - x = 5 So (x,y) = (2,7) and the two numbers are 18 and 63.