The first 2 digit integer is 10. This is an even number and is therefore the answer.
Any even number has at least one even factor.
Least even = 552 Greatest odd = 1099
negative infinity
Yes A whole number is even if its least significant digit is even. The least significant digit of a whole number is the digit in the "ones place". In other words, if the digit at the far right is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8, the number is even.
I think you are talking about three numbers 743, 142, and 986425. If the least significant digit in a number is odd, the number is odd. If the least significant digit in a number is even, the number is even. You can also divide the number by 2 and if two goes into the number evenly without a remainder then the number is even. If there is a remainder, the number is odd.
No. 2 is the least prime number and it is the only even prime number.
No. The LCM of 2 and any other even number is the other number.