

What is the lowest 3 digit decimal greater than 1?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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100 i guess

actually, 1.01

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Q: What is the lowest 3 digit decimal greater than 1?
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Is a decimal a fraction that is greater than one?

No. A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. It can be greater than, equal to or less than 1.

In the decimal 55.72 how many times greater is the digit in the tens place than the digit in the ones place?

It is 9 times greater.

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Is a 3 digit number always greater than 2 digit number?

Yes, unless the 3 digit number is negative, or a decimal.

How do you write decimals from highest to lowest?

You use a number of rules:* Positive numbers are greater than negative numbers. To compare two positive numbers: * The number more digits to the left of the decimal point is larger. For example, 200 is greater than 27. * If there is no whole part (no part left of the decimal point), the one with less zeros after the decimal point is larger. For example, 0.03 is greater than 0.0005. * If both of the above are the same, the number which has the largest digit for the first non-zero digit (from the left) is largest. For example, 0.03 is greater than 0.029. * If this first non-zero digit from the left is the same, compare the second digit. If those are the same, compare the third digit, etc. For example, 0.02556 is greater than 0.02541. For negative numbers, the rules above give you the SMALLER number. For example, -0.3 is less than -0.02.

What decimal is greater than 24.07 and less than 24.075?

Any decimal that starts 2.07 and the next digit (thousandths) is 0-4, and if the thousandths digit is 0, is followed by a non-zero digit at some stage. eg 2.07000000000000000000000000000000000001, 2.074999999999999999, 2.074 are all greater than 2.07 and less than 2.075

Would 0.7 be greater than 0.89?

No. Look at the first digit after the decimal point, which is the first digit other than zero, and compare those.

What is standard algorithm?

Standard algorithm is when you take two digits or decimals and you put the digit or decimal with the greater value on top and the digit or decimal with the least value on the bottom and you contrast the digits/decimals to see if it greater than, less than,or equal to.

How do you round 3.077 to 1 decimal place?

3.1You look at the second digit after the decimal point and ask if it is greater than or equal to 5.If it is you round up the first digit after the decimal point. If not, then you round down (i.e. the first digit after the decimal point stays as it was).So for 3.077, "7" is greater than or equal to five so we round up to 3.1 (to one decimal place).

Is 28.08 greater than 28.5?

Since the whole parts are equal, take a look at the FIRST DECIMAL DIGIT - the first digit after the decimal point. The larger number is the one that has the larger digit in this position.

Is 0.25 greater than 0.100?

Just compare the first decimal digit. The number that has the larger digit here, is the larger number.