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A touch over 7. More exactly 7.0711.

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Q: What is the magnitude of the resultant of a pair of 5 unit vectors at right angles to each other?
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How great is the resultant of two equal-magnitude vectors at right angles to each other?

Let two equal magnitude vectors be 'X'.. Then, resultant=1.414X

What is the angle between two vectors if their sum is to be maximum?

The resultant vector has maximum magnitude if the vectors act in concert. That is, if the angle between them is 0 radians (or degrees). The magnitude of the resultant is the sum of the magnitudes of the vectors.For two vectors, the resultant is a minimum if the vectors act in opposition, that is the angle between them is pi radians (180 degrees). In this case the resultant has a magnitude that is equal to the difference between the two vectors' magnitudes, and it acts in the direction of the larger vector.At all other angles, the resultant vector has intermediate magnitudes.

How is a resolution of a vector different from the resultant of vectors?

When you resolve a vector, you replace it with two component vectors, usually at right angles to each other. The resultant is a single vector which has the same effect as a set of vectors. In a sense, resolution and resultant are like opposites.

What is my result if i calculate the magnitude of the resultant of a pair of 84 km h velocity vectors that are at right angles to each other?

If two vectors with equal magnitudes 'M' have perpendicular directions, then the resultant ismidway between them ... 45 degrees from each ... and the magnitude of the resultant isM sqrt(2).84 km/hr North + 84 km/hr East = 84 sqrt(2) = 118.794 km/hr Northeast (rounded).

Can three vectors of equal magnitude be combined to give a zero resultant?

Yes, put the three vectors in a plane, with a separation of 120 degrees between each vector and each of the other vectors.

Which are those two vectors whose resultant vector is zero?

They are vectors of equal magnitudes in oppositedirections. When you add them, they cancel out each other.

What is the outcome of two vectors that are at right angles to each other known as?

The outcome is called the resultant no matter what angle At right angles the resultant is calculated a the hypotenuse of the triangle with each vector as sides

Can two nonzero vectors give zero resultant when they multiply with each other if yes give condition for same?

yes, if they are at right angles to each other.

What is the Formula For Calculating The Magnitude Of The Resultant Of Two Or More Vectors Acting At obtuse Angle?

No matter what the angles are:* Express the vectors in Cartesian (rectangular) coordinates; in two dimensions, this would usually mean separating them into an x-component and a y-component. * Add the components of all the vectors. For example, the x-component of the resultant vector will be the sum of the x-components of all the other vectors. * If you so wish (or the teacher so wishes!), convert the resulting vector back into polar coordinates (i.e., distance and direction).

What is the angle needed for the smallest resultant of two vectors?

The smallest resultant of two vectors is the sum of two equal vectors which make an angle of 180 degrees among each other.

If two vector have equal magnitudes can their sum be zero Explain?

Sum of two vectors can only be zero if they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. So no two vector of unequal magnitude cannot be added to give null vector. Three vectors of equal magnitude and making an angle 120 degrees with each other gives a zero resultant.

Can three vectors lying in plane give zero resultant?

yes the resultant of the two vectors can be can be illustrated by drawing following diagram.a triangle may be considered as a vector diagram in which the force polygon close and the resultant of the three vectors is zero.