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Bring ALL (100%) to the filter paper, so without loosing or spoiling (0%) some of the filtrant.

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Q: What is the meaning of the phrase quantitatively transfer the precipitate to the filter paper?
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What is the meaning of the phrase quantitively transfer the precipitate to the filter paper?

To quantitatively transfer something means to transfer every particle of the material. This is opposed to qualitatively transferring which requires just enough to examine.

Why is a filter paper containing a precipitate rinsed with distilled water?

To recover the precipitate.

What a filter funnel and paper used for?

Usually, it's used to separate a precipitate from the liquid in the solution. The filter paper is folded into quarters and placed in the funnel. The solution is then poured onto the filter paper, where the liquid filters through and the precipitate stays on the filter paper. The precipitate can then be saved or discarded, depending on which part of the solution you want.

What is left on the filter paper?

what is left on filter paper when using filtration? it is residue

What is the green precipitate in preparation of chromium oxalate complexes?

No green precipitate should found but green but green heavy solution that can be filterated through the filter paper but white crystaline precipitate in a shape of needle or cylindrical flakes .

What is the rule about the size of filter paper to be used with a funnel?

Usually, it's used to separate a precipitate from the liquid in the solution. The filter paper is folded into quarters and placed in the funnel. The solution is then poured onto the filter paper, where the liquid filters through and the precipitate stays on the filter paper. The precipitate can then be saved or discarded, depending on which part of the solution you want.

When filtering a precipitate why do you decant the liquid layer first?

In order to separate the solid precipitate from the liquid in an initial state. Then you can filter to remove even more liquid. Decanting is just simply a preliminary segregation of liquid.

Because of the porosity of the filter paper some of the calcium oxalate and water precipitate passes through the filter paper will the report precent of the limiting reactant be high or low explain.?

too low

What is he meaning of filtering?

of Filter

How do you determine the percentage of calcium carbonate when it is combined with sodium bicarbonate?

1. Weight a sample (m1) of approx. 5 g from the mixture and put in a beaker.2. Add approx. 50 mL water and stir vigourously.3. Transfer quantitatively the suspension on a preweighed sintered glass filter (m2).4. Calcium carbonate being insoluble in water remain on the filter.5. Dry the filter at 110 0C and weigh (m3).6. Calculate the weight of CaCO3: m4 = m3 -m2.7. Calculate the percentage of calcium carbonate: m5 = (m4 x 100)/m1.

What is the solid called that is left behind after filtration?

Residue.or precipitate

Why can you not remove the salt from the solution by filtering?

Because the salt solution is monophasic; filtering is applied when a precipitate exist.