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Q: What is the middle of a compass that draws a circle?
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What is the math function that draws a circle?

"a compass "But how do I write this mathematicaly?e.g.a parabula is f(x)=x2what is the way to write a circle function??

A compass draws all points that are equidistant from a fixed point thereby creating a locus of points for a circle?

A circle is the locus of all points equidistant from a given point, which is the center of the circle, and a circle can be drawn with a compass. (The phrase "locus of points for a circle" does not seem to be conventionally defined.) or true

A compass draws all points a given distance from a fixed point thereby creating a locus of points for a circle?


A compass draws all points at a uniform distance from a fixed point thereby creating a locus of points for a circle?


How could you use the word circle in a sentence?

They made a circle with the wagons to protect the animals. The compass made a perfect circle in the middle of the page.

When was D.A.D. Draws a Circle created?

D.A.D. Draws a Circle was created in 1987.

How to make a circle using a compass and a ruler?

To make a circle using a compass and a ruler, first place the compass point on the paper where you want the center of the circle to be. Adjust the compass width to the desired radius of the circle. Keeping the compass width the same, draw a complete circle by rotating the compass around the center point. Use a ruler to ensure the circle is drawn accurately and smoothly.

How do you construct a hexagon?

with a compass scribe a circle. then with the compass still set to the same radius place the pin of the compass on the circle and make a mark on the circle. lift the compass, place the pin on the mark and repeat around the circle. the geometry of the circle allows for a hexagon to be generated this way.

How do you draw a circle in assembly program?

You can draw a circle in assembly program by using a compass-like tool. Secure the tip of the compass and then rotate the compass tool so that it completes the circle.

What is the turning circle of the 2012 Jeep Compass?

The 2012 Jeep Compass's turning circle is 35.6 ft..

What is the turning circle of the 2014 Jeep Compass?

The 2014 Jeep Compass's turning circle is 35.6 ft..

What is the turning circle of the 2007 Jeep Compass?

The 2007 Jeep Compass's turning circle is 35.6 ft..