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Q: What is the midpoint of the line segment with end points (-2-2)and (46)?
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What does midpoint mean in geometry?

A line segment with end points has a midpoint which is in the middle of it.

What are points that divide a segment in half?

The midpoint divides a line segment in half.

Describe how to locate the quarter points of a line segment?

On method would be to find the midpoint of the line segment and then to find the mid points of each of the halves.

A line that intersects a segment at its midpoint?

A line that intersects a segment at its midpoint bisects the segment.

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Is a line is defined to be the intersection of two planes?

A line is infinite but a line segment has end points and a midpoint

How do you describe the midpoinnt of a line segment?

A line segment is defined as having endpoints with the midpoint of the line at its centre

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If you mean points of (-2, 3) and (10, 3) then the midpoint is (4, 3)

Why a line segment has only one midpoint but can have many bisectors?

All bisectors intersect the line segment at the midpoint. There can be multiple bisectors, intersecting at the midpoint at different angles, but they all intersect the line segment at its midpoint. The midpoint separates the line segment into two equal halves.

What is the length of the median that extends from the origin to the midpoint of the line segment of 12 0 and 0 -5?

Midpoint of line segment: (6, -2.5) Median line points: (6, -2.5) and (0, 0) Length of median line: 6.5

What is a point equal distance from the end points of a line?

The point that is equal distance from the endpoints of a line segment is the midpoint.