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Q: What is the most reasonable interval for the data 2 4 1 7 5?
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What is the most reasonable interval for the data 1 2 3 3 4 6 7 8?

1 to 8, surely!

How do you find out the modal range?

if data is in the form of frequency distribution then the modal range is the interval containing the highest frequency of observations

A suggested class interval can be determined by the formula?

n=1+3.3logN n is equal to the class interval N is equal to the number of raw data given you must compute first the expression logN then multiply it by 3.3 then add 1

What are gaps clusters and outliers in math?

Gap: ina data display, a large space between data points.Ex. 3,4,5, Gap 20,22Cluster: in a data display, a cluster is several data points lie in a small interval. Ex. 7,8,9,0,2345678Outliers: A number ina set of data that is much larger or smaller than most of the other numbers in the set.Ex. 1, ( outlier ) 52, 55, 57,59, 129 (outlier)

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It is a number in the interval [0, 1].

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1 month

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It is a number in the interval [0, 1].

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