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Gap: ina data display, a large space between data points.Ex. 3,4,5, Gap 20,22Cluster: in a data display, a cluster is several data points lie in a small interval. Ex. 7,8,9,0,2345678Outliers: A number ina set of data that is much larger or smaller than most of the other numbers in the set.Ex. 1, ( outlier ) 52, 55, 57,59, 129 (outlier)
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Q: What are gaps clusters and outliers in math?
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How do you find clusters on a box and whisker plot?

You cannot, unless they are all outliers, and the plot records outliers separately.

What is the ralationship between gaps and outliers?

i have no crazy idea so plz tell us i suck at math so yeah answer me plz!!!!!!!! do it or else jk just kidding just answer the stupid question now! now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now! plz save the people who are asking what is the relationships between gaps and outliers?? so help save those just answer

What do the clusters and gaps in a stem and leaf graph tell you?

They tell you that the underlying distribution is very erratic.

What are outliers in math?

A bit of data that is very distant from the normal distribution of data and its mean. An unusual value.

What are the limits on outliers?

there are no limits to outliers there are no limits to outliers

What is a cluster gaps and outliers of a line plot?

A cluster is a group of data, or a bunch. A gap is a huge interval. An outlier is a piece of data that is really small or really big.

What are ouliers math?

outliers are numbers that stick out in a range for example 1,3,4,2,1003 so 1003 is the outlier in the range of numbers :D

What is a dot plot?

A dot plot is a plot made of dots which is useful for highlighting clusters and identifying the gaps in between 2 points/ values

How is tessellation related to math?

Polygons will tessellate if when joined together there is no gaps or overlaps

What is the math behind the concept of tesselations?

When polygons are set out on a plane they must not overlap and have no gaps

When would you use a broken scale?

When the observed values are in a cluster that starts at quite a large number, or if the values are in two [or more] clusters with long gaps between them.

What is the ISBN of Outliers book?

The ISBN of Outliers - book - is 9780316017923.