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There is no mathematical limit.

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Q: What is the most sides you can get on a regular polygon?
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Related questions

Is a regular polygon a polygon with all sides congruent?

A regular polygon is a polygon with congruent sides and interior angles.

What is the difference between a regular polygon and non-regular polygon?

All the sides of a regular polygon have the same length. If two or more sides of a polygon have different lengths, then the polygon is not regular.

When is a rectangle a regular polygon?

A regular polygon is a polygon in which all sides and angles are congruent, so a rectangle is a regular polygon when it is a square: when all sides are equal.

Which statement most accurately describes a regular polygon?

A regular polygon is a plane figure with equal sides and equal angles.

Does a regular polygon have equal angles and unequal sides?

A regular polygon has equal angles AND sides.

A regular polygon is 171 degrees how many sides does the polygon have?

no a regular polygon has 360 degrees and it can have 4 or more sides

What is a polygon that has all congruent sides and all congruent angles?

a "regular" one

If each exterior angle of a regular polygon is 72 then how many sides does the regular polygon have?

5 sides, a regular pentagon.

Why a rhombus is not a regular polygon?

for it to be a regular polygon it has to have 3 sides or less

Internal angle of 140 how many sides to the regular polygon?

That regular polygon would have 9 sides.

What is the formula to find the sides of a regular polygon?

360/exterior angle = number of sides of a regular polygon

IS A Regular polygon a polygon?

Yes, a regular polygon is a type of polygon where all the sides and angles are equal.