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Q: What is the name of top number in an multipication problem?
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Related questions

What is the top number of the division problem called?

The number which is on top of the division problem is the answer, obviously, or the quotient. :) The top number of a fraction is the numerator.

What is the top number in a division problem called?

The top number in a fraction is called the "numerator". The bottom number is called the "denominator"

What is the name for the bottom number in a subtraction problem?

It is called a subtrahend, the top is called a minuend and the answer is the difference. Trust me i learned the hard way

What is the top number in a subtraction problem called?


How do you get a mixed number?

example: 25/4= 6 1/4 divide the top number by the bottom number. however many times the bottom number goes into the top number that is your whole number (in the example it is the 6). take your whole number and multiply it by the bottom number and subtract that number from the top number from the original fraction (6x4=24, 25-24=1). the answer to that problem is the top number to your new problem.

What is the name of a fraction with a larger number on top?

The name of a fraction with a larger number on top is called an improper fraction.

What is the top number in an exponent?

Power. It is the number of times you use the base as a factor in a multiplication problem.

What is top number in an addition problem called?

Top number add ni ho raha. is k delet krnay ka traqa bata dain

The answer when you multiply?


Is the numerator the parts in all in a fraction problem?

The numerator is the top number in any fraction.

When you divide you divide the?

The answer you get when you divide is called the quotient.It is the number on top of the whole division problem.

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The boy's name Troy has never reached number one on the US name chart, but it has been close to the top. It peaked in popularity in the 1960's, but can still be found in the top 200.