It is called a subtrahend, the top is called a minuend and the answer is the difference. Trust me i learned the hard way
There is no specific name. You can have 8 - 5 = 3 or 5 - 8 = -3
the subtraction sign
THE ANSWER TO a subtraction problem is difference! just look it up and leave me alone for the others that come on this sight hey i added this to my favorites !! I dont have to do hw in school!! lol jk .
The number of the sub you do first
The answer to a subtraction problem is called the difference.
the difference
a denominatorbecause is the bottom number
There is no specific name. You can have 8 - 5 = 3 or 5 - 8 = -3
the subtraction sign
Each part of a subtraction problem has a name. Remainder is what is left over (answer). When you are subtracting to compare two groups, or to find out how many more things are needed, this is called the difference. The number being taken away or subtracted is the subtrahend. The number from which the subtrahend is taken is called minuend.
THE ANSWER TO a subtraction problem is difference! just look it up and leave me alone for the others that come on this sight hey i added this to my favorites !! I dont have to do hw in school!! lol jk .
Another name for base is the number on the bottom of the triangle.