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ANSWER: 1 is the only counting number that is not prime nor composite.

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Q: What is the only counting number that is not prime nor composite?
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The only counting number that is not prime or composite?


Do you need to know all of the factors of a number in order to determine if it prime or composite?

All natural numbers (counting numbers) greater than one are either prime or composite. If divisible by only one and the number itself, it is prime; if divisible by other natural numbers, then is composite. One is the only natural number that is neither prime nor composite.

Is 432 composite or a prime number?

Composite (the only even number that is prime is2).

What is the name of a composite number with only 1 prime factor?

Squares (or cubes or more) of prime numbers have one distinct prime factor, but if you're counting them individually, all composite numbers have at least two prime factors.

Is 15 prime or composite?

15 is a composite number because it has more than two factors. Its factors are 1, 3, 5, and 15.15 is a composite number as it is divisible by 1, 3, 5 and 15.composite. 3*5=1515 is a composite number because it has more than 2 factors

What do i prime and composite?

ok well i am in prime and composite in math class and this is how: If the number is a prime then it can only have 2 factors. If it has 3 or more it is a composite number. Say 25 has a lot of factors so it is a composite number. And if 1 has only 1 factor then it is a prime number. And there you have prime and composite.

Is the number 5 both prime and composite?

No. There cannot be any number that is both prime and composite.

Why should all the numbers be prime or composite?

Not all numbers are either prime or composite. The number 1/2 is neither prime nor composite. If you are referring only to the natural or counting numbers, note that every natural number is equal to the product of itself and 1 so each number has at least one divisor, itself. If it has no more divisors, then it is prime. If it has more than itself as a divisor, then it is composite.

Is 2145 a prime number?

A number which is divisible by only itself and one is called a prime number. 2145 is not a prime number because it is divisible by 5. Remark: Any counting number ending with number 5(except 5 itself) is a composite number.

Is 1 a composite number even though it is neither a prime or composite number?

the number "1" is neither prime or composite the only number that go into "1" is 1. A prime number is a number that only has 2 factors.And a composite number has 3 or more factors.

Is 19 prime composite or neither?

Yes 19 is prime. Prime is when the number only has two factors. One and itself. A compostie number is a number that has more than two factors. The only number that is not prime or composite is 1. One is a special number. It is the only number that isn't prime or composite.

Can a even number be a prime or composite number?

The only prime even number is 2. All the rest are composite.