

What is the only two digit palindromic prime number?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the only two digit palindromic prime number?
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What is the only two-digit palindromic prime?

The only 2-didgit palindromic prime is 11.

What is the only 2-digit palindromic number that is prime?

A palindromic number is the same forwards as backwards. In the case of a two-digit number, that means the two digits are the same: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. The only one that is prime is 11, since the others are all multiples of 11.

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Are there any palindromic primes with an even number of digits greater than 11?

No, 11 is the only palindromic prime with an even number of digits.

What is the odd number out 3-5-7-11-13-15-17-19?

There are several possible answers to this question.They are all odd numbers.3 because it is the first prime number.11 because it is the only 2-digit palindromic prime number.15 because it is the only composite number.

One-digit even number that is prime?

2, is the only one-digit even number that is a prime number.

What is the only palindromic 2 digit multiple of 5?

The only number that fits those conditions is... 55

Greatest 8 digit even prime number?

There is only one even prime number (2). There are no 8-digit even primes.

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The only even prime number is 2.

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The highest two-digit prime number is 97. Out of that group, the highest (and only) prime number is 71.

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Its impossible, there are only 5 single digit numbers that are not prime