The only 2-didgit palindromic prime is 11.
A number is a multiple of 4 if the last 2 digits are a multiple of 4 The 10s digit is even and the last digit is 0, 4 or 8 The 10s digit is odd and the last digit is 2 or 6 A number is a multiple of 8 if the last 3 digits are a multiple of 8 The 100s digit is even and the last 2 digits are a multiple of 8 The 100s digit is odd and the last 2 digits are 4 times an odd number
14 is one of them
Divide the 2-digit number by the 1-digit number. If the quotient comes out a whole number, then the big one is a multiple of the small one.
The only 2-didgit palindromic prime is 11.
It is 77.It is 77.It is 77.It is 77.
The only positive two-digit multiple of 12 and 10 is 60.
A palindromic number is the same forwards as backwards. In the case of a two-digit number, that means the two digits are the same: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. The only one that is prime is 11, since the others are all multiples of 11.
If the 2 digit number is a multiple of both 5 and 7 then it is a multiple of (5 x 7) which equals 35. The only even 2 digit number which is a multiple of 35 is, 2 x 35 = 70
1 to 1000. Pilandromic 108
yep e.g 18 and 17,,, 24 and 23...... :(
Divide the two-digit number by the one-digit number. If the remainder is zero then the 2-digit number is a multiple and if not, it is not.