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Q: What is the parent function for a logarithm?
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What is inverse of exponential function?

The logarithm function. If you specifically mean the function ex, the inverse function is the natural logarithm. However, functions with bases other than "e" might also be called exponential functions.

What Disadvantages of logarithmic function?

The main disadvantage is that there is no general analytical way of finding the logarithm of a number.

What is the definition of parent function?

When a function is nested inside another function, the outer one is the parent, the inner is the child.

Explain why a and b must be equal if log a equals log b?

It is because the logarithm function is strictly monotonic.

Can you explain what the function of logarithms are?

The logarithm of a number is another number which, if used as the exponent of a third number, yields the first number.The third number is called the base. Usually, it is 10 (common logarithm) or e (2.71828..., natural logarithm).As an example, the common logarithm of 100 is 2. This meets the equation...102 = 100... whereas the natural logarithm of 100 is about 4.61...2.718284.61 = (about) 100One useful function of logarithms is in the multiplication of numbers. If you want to multiply two numbers, you can either just multiply them, or you can add their logarithms together and do the inverse logarithm (power) of the result. For instance...10 * 100 = 1000log10 10 = 1log10 100 = 21 + 2 = 3103 = 1000This technique is used in slide rules, and it can also be used visually, to come up with a rough estimate of the product of two numbers.

Related questions

What is the domain of logarithm and exponential function?

Domain of the logarithm function is the positive real numbers. Domain of exponential function is the real numbers.

Is there a function where the first derivative goes to infinity for x going to 0 and where the first derivative equals 0 when x is 1?

Yes, the function ln(x) where ln is the logarithm to base e.Yes, the function ln(x) where ln is the logarithm to base e.Yes, the function ln(x) where ln is the logarithm to base e.Yes, the function ln(x) where ln is the logarithm to base e.

What is inverse of exponential function?

The logarithm function. If you specifically mean the function ex, the inverse function is the natural logarithm. However, functions with bases other than "e" might also be called exponential functions.

Does an exponent have an opposite?

The inverse function of the exponential is the logarithm.

What does a log with a subscript mean?

A log with a subscript typically indicates the base of the logarithm. For example, "log₃(x)" means the logarithm of x in base 3. This notation is used to specify the base of the logarithm function.

What is Log S?

In mathematics, the logarithm function is denoted by "log". The base of the logarithm is typically specified, for example, "Log S" usually refers to the logarithm of S to a certain base (e.g., base 10 or base e).

What is the meaning of log y?

That refers to the logarithm function. Since the base is not specified, the meaning is not entirely clear; it may or may not refer to the logarithm base 10.

What is the parent function for the exponential function?

The parent function of the exponential function is ax

What is a number for which a given logarithm stands?

A number for which a given logarithm stands is the result that the logarithm function yields when applied to a specific base and value. For example, in the equation log(base 2) 8 = 3, the number for which the logarithm stands is 8.

Which parent function is represented by the graph?

Reciprocal parent function

What Disadvantages of logarithmic function?

The main disadvantage is that there is no general analytical way of finding the logarithm of a number.

Show me the meaning of LN?

LN is typically the syntax used to represent the natural logarithm function. Although some programming languages and computer applications use LOG to represent this function, most calculators and math textbooks use LN. In use, it would look like this:y=ln(x)Which reads as "y equals the natural logarithm of x".The natural logarithm is a logarithm that has a base of e, Euler's number, which is a mathematical constant represented by a lowercase italic e (similar to how pi is a constant represented by a symbol). Euler's number is approximately equal to 2.718281, although it continues on far past six decimal places.Functionally, the natural logarithm can be used to solve exponential equations and is very useful in differentiating functions that are raised to another function. Typically, when the solution to an equation calls for the trivial use of a logarithm (that is the logarithm is only being used as a tool to rewrite the equation), either the natural logarithm or the common logarithm (base 10) is used.