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12 inches

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Q: What is the perimeter of 4 inches in length and 2 inches wide?
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P = 2(length) + 2(width) P = 2(12 inches) + 2(10 inches) P = 44 inches

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Perimeter = 2*(Length + Width) = 2*(16 + 12) = 2*28 = 56 inches

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Perimeter = width*2 + length *2 112 = 14 * 2 + length * 2 56 = 14 + length length = 56 - 14= 42

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Length + width = half perimeter = 100". Length is 98", width is 2"

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If something is 2 meters wide what is the perimeter?

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The perimeter of a rectangle = 2 x (length + width) = 2 x (12 + 8) = 2 x 20 = 40 inches

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