There are three prime numbers between 57 and 69. They are 59, 61, and 67.
A prime number has only 2 factors which are 1 and itself. Composite numbers are everything else except 1 and 0. 1 and 0 are neither prime, nor composite. 69 is not prime.
They are: 17+23+29 = 69
29 and 59 are prime numbers.
3 & 23 are the numbers you're looking for ! 3 x 23 = 69
There can only be one LEAST Common Multiple. Since the three numbers are co-prime, their LCM is the same as their product, that is, LCM(4, 37, 69) = 4 * 37 * 69 = 10,212 [Two numbers are co-prime if they have no factor in common. The numbers, themselves, need not be prime.]
23 and 29
53, 59, 61, and 67
There are 35 pairs of twin prime numbers totaling 69 numbers (prime number 5 appears twice in the twin pairs) between 0 and 1000.
if your asking because it is homework you are obviously supposed to know!
The prime numbers between 65 and 75 are: 67, 71 and 73