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Q: What is the probability of a probability that is based on repetitions of an actual experiment?
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What probability is based on repeated trials of an experiment?

Experimental Probability

What is a probability is based on repeated trials of an experiment?

It is empirical (or experimental) probability.

What probability is based on knowing all of the equally likely outcomes of an experiment?

Theoretical probability

What is called probability that is based on repeated trials of an experiment?

The probability that is based on repeated trials of an experiment is called empirical or experimental probability. It is calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of trials conducted. As more trials are performed, the empirical probability tends to converge to the theoretical probability.

Why the probability of success decreases when we repeat the same experiment several times?

It does not, so the question is based on a misunderstanding of probability.

What happens to theoretical and experimental probability when you increase the number of trials?

When you increase the number of trials of an aleatory experiment, the experimental probability that is based on the number of trials will approach the theoretical probability.

How are experimental probability and theoretical experiment alike?

They are both estimates of the probability of outcomes that are of interest. Experimental probabilities are derived by repeating the experiment a large number of times to arrive at these estimates whereas theoretical probabilities are estimates based on a mathematical model based on some assumptions.

What can you do to get the experimental probability to be closer to the theoretical probability?

The experimental probability is figured out when a person goes through the trouble of actually trying it out. Theoretical probability is when a person comes to a conclusion of what is most likely, based off of the experiment results.

What does expermenal probabiliy mean?

It means that the probability is calculated (or more precisely, estimated) based on experiment. For example, if a certain event occurs 70 times in 1000 tries, you can estimate the probability to be approximately 7%.

What is probability that is based on data?

It is called 'Experimental Probability'.

Difference between objective probability and subjective probability?

Objective probability is based on some basis of fact, experimentation, or analysis. Subjective probability is based on someones guess.

What made alchemy unscientific in its practice?

It was not based on evidence and experiment. - Alex Learning