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1/2 x 1/3 = 1/6

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Q: What is the probability of spinning the number one on two spinners one spinner with one and two the other wth 1-3?
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The probability of spinning the spinner and landing on an odd number depends on the number of odd numbers on the spinner and the total number of numbers on the spinner. If there are 3 odd numbers on the spinner and a total of 6 numbers, then the probability of landing on an odd number is 3/6, which simplifies to 1/2 or 50%.

What is the probability of spinning a number?

The answer depends on the shape of the spinner and the numbers on it.

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What is the probability of spinning a number greater than 5 on a spinner numbered 1 to 8?

If it is a fair spinner, then 3/8

What is the probability of spinning blue on both spinners?

There is insufficient information for us to even begin to answer this question. Please edit the question to include more context or relevant information. There is no information on the shape of the two spinners and what colours are on each.

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What is the probability of landing on an even number after spinning a spinner with 7 equal sectors numbered 1 through 7?

The probability is 3/7.

What is the probability of landing on an odd number after spinning a spinner with 9 equal sectors numbered 1 through 9?

The probability is 5/9.

What is the probability of spinning a prime number?

The answer depends on how many numbers on the spinner, and their distribution. Without that information, it is not possible to answer the question.

What is a probability of landing on an odd number after spinning a spinner with 7 equal sectors number 1 through 7?


Two spinners one red and blue and the other marked 1 2 3 equally What are the chances of spinning blue and an odd number?

Assuming the red and blue spinner has an equal number of red and blue spots, the odds of spinning blue is 50%. On the other spinner, the odds of an odd number is 67%. Combined, the odds of spinning blue and an odd number is 33%. (50% times 67%)

What is the probability of landing on an odd number after spinning a spinner with 7 equal sectors numbered 1 through 7?
