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What is "propability"?

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Q: What is the propability density function?
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What cactus plant that has a high propability in curing cancer?

Peyote Cactus

Could f be a probability density function?

No. f is a letter of the Roman alphabet. It cannot be a probability density function.

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You would have bad health.

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What is the difference between a probability density curve and cummulative distribution function?

what is density curve

How do you find the probability density function?

The probability density function of a random variable can be either chosen from a group of widely used probability density functions (e.g.: normal, uniform, exponential), based on theoretical arguments, or estimated from the data (if you are observing data generated by a specific density function). More material on density functions can be found by following the links below.

How do you convert a beta probability density function to a beta frequency distribution?

probability density distribution

How does the density of water change as a function of dissolved salt?

no, because the density is denser than salinity.

Why is the density of Betelgeuse so low?

Because it is so large. Density is a function of mass/volume.

What is the density of 210 g and 70 cm square?

Unknown. Density is a function of volume, not area.

What pdf stands for in statistics?

Probability Density Function

What is the function of the water vascular system?

Volume and density