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What is "propability"?

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Q: What is the propability density function?
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Could f be a probability density function?

No. f is a letter of the Roman alphabet. It cannot be a probability density function.

What is the difference between a probability density curve and cummulative distribution function?

what is density curve

How do you find the probability density function?

The probability density function of a random variable can be either chosen from a group of widely used probability density functions (e.g.: normal, uniform, exponential), based on theoretical arguments, or estimated from the data (if you are observing data generated by a specific density function). More material on density functions can be found by following the links below.

When a die is rolled one time what is the propability of getting a number less than 4?

It is: 1/2

How do you convert a beta probability density function to a beta frequency distribution?

probability density distribution

How does the density of water change as a function of dissolved salt?

no, because the density is denser than salinity.

Why is the density of Betelgeuse so low?

The low density of Betelgeuse is due to its outer layers being expanded and less compact compared to other stars. Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star in a late stage of its life cycle, causing it to have lower density as it has expanded to a large size.

What is the density of 210 g and 70 cm square?

Unknown. Density is a function of volume, not area.

How Do You describe the shape of a data set?

You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.

What pdf stands for in statistics?

Probability Density Function