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As far as i can remember, a box and whisker is to sketch out the "Lower Extreme", The "Lower Quartile", The "Median", the "Upper Quartile", the "Upper Extreme" and the "Inter-Quartile Range" as well as the Range. To be honest, it is kind of useless, it just shows those above things in an easier way. Hope this helped :)

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Q: What is the purpose of a Box and Whisker?
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What is an example for a box and whisker plot?

the example for the box and whisker plot is THESE NUTSS

How do you find the mode in a box and whisker?

You cannot. The mode is not part of a box and whisker plot.

Why do box and whisker graphs have boxes?

Because otherwise they would be "non-box" and whisker graphs!

What does the 88 represent on a box and whisker plot?

Nothing. Most box and whisker plots do not have 88 on them!

A box and whisker plot has 4?

A box and whisker plot has four quartiles in which its data is spread across.

What is the box and whisker?

----------------------[___________________]----------------- that is the box -n- whiskers )

What is the type of average on a box and whisker plot?

On a standard box-and-whisker plot, the averages used are medians. Arithmetic means are used in some box-and-whisker plots, but most use medians.

What is the lower quartile on a box and whisker plot?

The lower quartile is the line that represents the left-hand edge of the "box", in the box and whisker plot.

What does a long whisker mean in a box and whisker plot?

Nobody likes cats

What is an box an whisker plot?

A box and whisker plot is a sort of graph used to show a period of time such as a time line or a line graph. To really found out what a box and whisker plot is you should ask a teacher

How do you make a misleading box and whisker plot?

how about you tell me what a misleading box and whisker plot is first and then ill answer ur question ;)

What percentage does each section of a box and whisker plot represent?

The box represents 50%. Each whisker represents 25%.