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Q: What is the r value of the following to three decimal places?
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What is the accepted value of pi taken out to three decimal places?

pi = 3.142 rounded to three decimal places (the thousandths)

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The whole number is 5 and .267 is the decimal place value to three decimal places

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What is the value of pi in decimal places?

Pi has an infinite number of decimal places

What is the value of pi to the nearest 5 decimal places?

the value of pi to the nearest 5 decimal places is 3.14159

What is the value of dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter?

The value would be 'pi' which is 3.142 to three decimal places and is applicable to any circle.

What is the value of pi to five decimal places?

3.14159. To 50 decimal places is this: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510.

How do you get kilowatts if given voltage and ampheres?

Watts is the product of voltage times amperage. To change watts to kilowatts move the decimal place three places to the left. e.g. 115 volts times 15 amps = 1725. watts. Move the decimal place three places to the left gives you 1.725 Kilowatts. From a smaller value, one step, to a larger value, three to the left. From a larger value, one step, to a smaller value three to the right. e.g. 1.725 kW to watts, 1725.. Small to larger values - decimal left ; Watts 1725. to kW 1.725 3 places to MW 0.001725 6 places to GW 0.000001725 9 places. Larger to smaller values - decimal right ; GW 0.000001725 9 places to MW 0.001725 6 places to kW 1.725 to Watts 1725..

What is the value of pi to 20 decimal places?

Pi is approximately equal to (to 20 places after the decimal) 3.14159265358979323846.

What is the approximate value of pie upto 5 places of decimal?

Pi to 5 decimal places is about 3.14159

Is pi constant?

Yes. Its value is 3.14 to two decimal places, but it continues on for an infinite number of decimal places.