0.5735764264 (nearest 10 decimal places).
If you mean a rectangle then its diagonal using Pythagoras; theorem is 2 times the square root of 41 or about 12.806 feet rounded to 3 decimal places.
It is: tan(86.05)*5 = 72.411 metres to 3 decimal places
cos20 x cos40 x cos80 = 0.0300 radians = 0.125 degrees (the value for radians is given to four decimal places, the value in degrees is exact)
The inexact value of tan 330 is -0.577350, to six significant places. The exact value cannot be represented as a single number because it is a non terminating decimal. To represent it exactly, consider that tan x is sin x over cos x, and that sin 330 is -0.5 and cos 330 is square root of 0.75. As a result, the exact value of tan 330 is -0.5 divided by square root of 0.75.
It is an irrational number and it is about 3.4746 rounded to 4 decimal places
It is an irrational number which is 12.923 rounded to three decimal places
It is an irrational number and it is 20.199 rounded to 3 decimal places
It is an irrational number and it is about 18.815 rounded to 3 decimal places
The square root of 15 is an irrational number and it is about 3.873 rounded to three decimal places
No - it is an irrational number. Rounded to ten decimal places, it is equal to 3.6055512754.
The square root of 680 is an irrational number and it is about 26.0768 rounded to 4 decimal places
The square root of two is an irrational number. Rounded to ten decimal places, it is equal to 1.4142135623.
Rounded to 2 decimal places pi = 3.14 However pi is an irrational number and never terminates (goes on and on forever). The first few decimal places are: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510...
The square root of 7 is an irrational number, so its decimal expansion never ends and never repeats. Rounded to 3 decimal places it is 2.646.
17.635 already is rounded to 3 decimal places.
The square root of 8 is an irrational number and so can only be represented by an infinitely long decimal expression. Rounded to 4 decimal places, it is 2.8284