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Q: What is the range of the function f(x)3.2x for the domain -4 -2 0 2 4?
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How do you find the range of the function with the given domain?

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The domain of y=lnx is (0,∞) and the range is (-∞,∞).

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The domain is all real numbers, and the range is nonnegative real numbers (y ≥ 0).

What is the range of the function y x2 2x 4.?

The range depends on the domain. If the domain is the complex field, the range is also the whole of the complex field. If the domain is x = 0 then the range is 4.

How do you find the range with the domain?

Find the range of a function by substituting the highest domain possible and the lowest domain possible into the function. There, you will find the highest and lowest range. Then, you should check all the possible cases in the function where a number could be divided by 0 or a negative number could be square rooted. Remove these numbers from the range. A good way to check to see if you have the correct range is to graph the function (within the domain, of course).

What are domain and range of function graph below?

Type your answer here... C.H(w) > 0

What is the inverse of the cosine function?

The inverse of the cosine function is arcosine. The domain is −1 ≤ x ≤ 1 since the range of the cosine function is from -1 to 1. The range is from 0 to pi radians or 0 to 180 degrees.

What is the example of the range and domain in a function?

A function is a mapping from one set to another. It may be many-to-one or one-to-one. The first of these sets is the domain and the second set is the range. Thus, for each value x in the domain, the function allocates the value f(x) which is a value in the range. For example, if the function is f(x) = x^2 and the domain is the integers in the interval [-2, 2], then the range is the set [0, 1, 4].

What is the range of the function fx 3.2x for the domain -4 -2 0 2 4?

It is -12.8, -6.4, 0, 6.4 and 12.8

What is the Domain and range of x y2?

x=y^2 may be written as y=+/-sqrt(x) The domain for sqrt(x) is [0, infinity). The range is also [0, infinity) However, y=+/-sqrt(x) is not a function, because one element in the domain has two values in the range set.

What is the domain and range of the square root of x?

sqrt(x) Domain: {0,infinity) Range: {0,infinity) *note: the domain and range include the point zero.

What's the difference between the domain and the range?

Domain = set of points at which a function exists Range = set of points which are mapped to by the function For example, if f(t) = 1/t => domain is all real numbers except for t=0, since 1/0 is an mathematical error and: range is all real numbers except for f(t) = 0 since you cannot actually obtain this value by inputting a value for t.