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Q: What is the ratio of round up to water?
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50% water and 50% antifreeze year round.

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hydrogen and oxygen in 2 : 1 ratio

What is a natural resouce that will never run out?

water. Because of the water cycle it goes round and round rather than actually getting used up.

What elements make up water?

Water contains the elements hydrogen and oxygen in a 2 to 1 ratio. The chemical formula for water is H2O.

What is round as a dishpan and no matter the size all the water in the ocean can not fill it up?

a sieve

How do you round up a wild horse?

you put the horse in water until it stops bucking

What is round as a saucepan and no matter the size all the water in the ocean cant fill it up?

It is

What is the land to water ratio of japan?

20:6 ratio

What is water to cement?

Water cement ratio is defined as the indicator of strength is the ratio of water used compared to the amount of cement.Lower the W/C ratio, higher will be the strength.A minimum of W/C ratio 0.3 should be adopted.

What is the salt water to fresh water ratio?

The ratio of salt water to fresh water on the Earth is approximately 40 to 1. The oceans are comprised of salt water.

How does global warming affect the ratio of land and water?

Harmful gases trap the heat of the sun that was supposed to be reflected back in the atmosphere, this causes the earth to heat up. As it heats up, the water evaporates, but, it comes back to the oceans eventually through rain. SO GLOBAL WARMING DOES NOT AFFECT THE RATIO OF LAND AND WATER However, Global warming does affect the ratio of land and CLEAN water, as some of the evaporated water can turn into acid rain, hope u completely got the answer.

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