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Magnification is inversely proportional to the diameter of the field of view.

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Q: What is the relationship between magnification and the diameter of the field of view?
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What is the relationship between the diameter of the microscope field and its magnification?

The field of vision shrinks as the magnification gets higher so as the magnification increases the less of the diameter of the microscopic field you can see.

What is the relationship between the size of the field of view and the magnification?

As you increase the magnification, the field of view decreases.

What is the relationship between the size of the field of view and magnification?

As you increase the magnification, the field of view decreases.

How do you calculate field diameter?

Field diameter of lens B equals field diameter of lens A times total magnification of lens A divided by total magnification of lens B

What happend to the depth of field if magnification increases?

The higher the magnification the lower the depth of field.

What is the relationship between the size of the field of view from a microscope and the objective used to observe the field?

As the magnification of the objective increases, the FOV decreases

What is the relationship between magnification and light intensity of the field?

less light intensity gives a better vision

What are the advantages of knowing the diameter of the field of view at a given magnification?

You can use that to estimate the size of objects that you are observing.

What happens to the diameter of the field of the view when you change for low to high power?

The diameter of a field is decreased by 1.5 millimeters when changed from low power to high power magnification.

What does it mean for a microscope to be parcentered?

When a microscope is parcentered, the specimens will appear centered in the field of view at every magnification. So if a field of a slide is centered at the lowest power, even though the field diameter shrinks at each higher magnification, the desired part of the specimen will remain in the center of the viewing field.

What is the relationship between total magnification and the field of view?

as the magnification increases, your field of view decreases. so when your magnification decreases, your field of view increases. such as, for example, a brick wall. when your 2 blocks away from one, all you see is the brownish wall. that is the low power objective. then when you get right up to the wall, you see all the tiny details. that is the high power objective. just think about it like that. =D. i hope it helped

When using a 10X ocular and a 15X objective and the field size is 1.5 mm the approximate field size with a 30X objective is what mm?

0.75 mm way to get this answer........... (diameter of field A X total magnification of field A) / total magnification of field B so start by finding the diameter of field A= which is the 1.5 next figure out what the total magnification of field A is= 150 (you get this answer by multiplying the ocular # which is 10x by the objective # which is 15x. (10 x 15= 150) next figure out what the total magnification of field B is =300 (you get this answer by multiplying the ocular # which is 10x by the other higher objective # which is 30x. (10 x 30 = 300) then you can use the formula and plug in all the answers you got to get the answer (1.5mm x 150)/300=.75mm